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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

for questions about monomorphization, a compilation strategy that eliminates run-time polymorphism by generating specific versions of a function or type for each possible instantiation.
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for questions about context-free grammars, a specific type of formal grammar that does not depend on any level of context to apply or parse. Do not use for questions about grammars in gen…
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for questions relating to functions, operators, or types that are provided by the core language
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For questions about concatenative languages, a family whose distinguishing feature is that two programs can be composed by appending one to the other. Use this tag for questions about designing or imp…
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For questions about functions that give identical outputs for identical inputs between separate calls and do not have any program-visible side effects.
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for questions about the lazy evaluation strategy, by which an expression is evaluated only when its value is needed.
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A regex (a regular expression, regexp) is a textual form for specifying sets of strings in a regular language, often used for matching against. Use this tag for questions about regex as it pertains to…
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For questions about data types, the classification and categorization of data in a programming language based on its nature, properties, and the operations that can be performed on it. Data types defi…
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For questions about foreach loops or related concepts, specialized for loops designed to iterate over the elements of a collection, rather than over a range of numbers or until a condition is met.
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For questions about adding new features without breaking legacy code.
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For questions about the design of, or languages or features which are closely related to, APL.
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Use for questions about operator overloading, a language feature that allows operators to have programmer-specified meanings.
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For questions about the design of Octave and the MATLAB language, or languages which are closely related to them
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For questions about first-class object. These objects typically include being passed as an argument, returned from a function, and assigned to a variable.
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For questions relating to string interpolation, or the evaluation of strings with certain placeholders for expressions.
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For questions about a 'never' type, the type of an expression that is never reached or evaluated. This would typically be used as the return type for functions that never return, such as those that te…
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For questions about the ad-hoc parametric polymorphism feature typeclasses, as found in Haskell. Do not use for questions only about types, classes, or class types.
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for questions about gradual type systems, where statically- and dynamically-typed code can exist within the same program
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For questions related to the creation, usage, and improvement of software documentation
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For questions relating to the order of evaluation of operators in a programming language.
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For questions relating to bitwise operators, which operate on the individual bits of integer types.
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