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10 votes

What runtime strategies make BEAM so good at concurrency?

The book Let's examine this question using The Erlang Runtime System book as base. This book describes both Erlang and BEAM in detail. Processes, not threads The concept of lightweight processes is ...
André L F S Bacci's user avatar
8 votes

How does the performance of reference counting and tracing GC compare?

Disclaimer: I haven't implemented either in any non-trivial form. I'll delete my answer if a true expert has a better answer. The true answer is unsatisfactory: it depends. There is no general answer ...
Gavin D. Howard's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any way a Java-like language could implement immutable primitive arrays without incurring performance penalties?

There is nothing stopping a Java-like language from having statically-enforced immutable arrays. These would be of a different type to the existing mutable arrays. Freshly-constructed array literals ...
Michael Homer's user avatar
  • 13.6k

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