Racket's languages as libraries1 feature uses a #lang dialect-name
header at the top of the file. These languages can operate either by macro-rewriting across the entire (LISP) program file, or as a reader macro that replaces the bytes-to-S-expression translation entirely. For example, #lang algol60
is supported out of the box, and processes the rest of the file as ALGOL; in theory this might conflict with the DSLs, but it doesn't seem to arise in practice as they can just ignore the first line.
Racket envisaged a series of layered teaching dialects inspired by SP/k, but SP/k did not provide any way to specify the subset in use. In the Racket model, the student would specify the dialect in use at the top of the file, and move through different headers as they progressed. Much more distinct dialects are also enabled by Racket's system.
1Languages as Libraries. Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Vincent St-Amour, Ryan Culpepper, Matthew Flatt, Matthias Felleisen. Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2011. https://doi.org/10.1145/1993498.1993514
Perl has also allowed a similar thing for many years. For example, use Lingua::Romana::Perligata;
at the top of the file allows the remainder of the program to be written in a Latinate dialect, dynamically translated by the code in the given module. use Acme::Bleach;
also has the side effect of replacing every other printable character in the file itself; while these examples are clearly jokes, the system permits arbitrary source rewriting and could implement other entirely-different languages as well.
A number of language-oriented programming tools, like Cedalion, allow the user to combine multiple different DSLs in one program. These all use the same host platform, and so are interoperable, but the specification of the dialect in use is generally out-of-band: the user edits code via a projectional editor, not as raw text in an outside editor, so the surface syntax they see does not need to include all of the data the system uses to determine the language. The language is more of a display grammar for the internal representation than a parsing grammar for text streams.
This approach relies on a common editing environment (or at least cooperating ones), but avoids all conflicting-syntax issues. There can be some semantic limits on the languages in practice, though in theory they can have unrestricted ability to have any syntax-semantic combinations. Storing the information outside of the program text is a good solution if you're in that scenario.
An arguably-similar approach is how polyglot .NET projects work: C#, VB.NET, and F# code can coexist in the same solution (and other .NET languages), and a combination of file extensions and outside project files indicate which language each source file uses. These languages are all interoperable and work on the same platform, so it is a very close real-world model to what you describe.
Wyvern2 has an approach to embedding arbitrarily-parsed source within a file using whitespace-delimited blocks. This model uses indented blocks below ordinary method calls, where the expected type of a hole in the method arguments determines the parser used for the code. These parsers can be arbitrarily different from the host language, and in theory you could have a few lines of ordinary Wyvern code setting things up and then a block containing the bulk of the program in any other language. This model has the benefit of generality, although for the direct case you're aiming at it's substantively a more verbose version of Racket's #lang
2Cyrus Omar, Darya Kurilova, Ligia Nistor, Benjamin Chung, Alex
Potanin, and Jonathan Aldrich. Safely composable type-specific
languages. In Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Object-
oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44202-9_5
Designing dialects for a language called Grace was one of the topics of my PhD thesis and a preceding ECOOP paper3. In that model, there were three parts:
A dialect "abc"
heading at the top of the file, identifying an importable module defining the dialect. This module would be loaded and define an object.
Implicitly enclosing the file's code within the object defined by that module, so that it would be in the lexical scope of any names defined by the object. This virtual nesting was intransitive, so a a file is in only its own dialect, not its dialect's dialect.
This language had mixfix multi-part method names, and all its default control structures like if (condition) then {} else {}
were defined like that, so it was possible to create very different dialects with just this. However, very core elements (like method declarations) would be common to all dialects. A follow-up work4 extended those mixfix methods to allow them to be defined with dynamic patterns, allowing more distant domain-specific languages.
Giving the AST of the file to a static checker method defined by that object, before execution or during compilation. This checker was able to report errors and reject the code, or produce other outputs, but by design choice could not make any mutations to it (though it is a pretty trivial extension to add that).
In this model, a dialect could define a domain-specific language that replaced all built-in definitions and structures and looked very different, but retained the overarching surface syntax. This sidesteps the issue of the dialect import itself being incompatible with the created syntax, but isn't able to be entirely different to the host, though it could have the flavour of a very different (even existing) system; for example, there was an APL-like dialect created, where many real APL programs could run with very minimal changes, but not all and not none.
3Graceful Dialects. Michael Homer, Timothy Jones, James Noble, Kim B. Bruce, Andrew P. Black. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44202-9_6
4From APIs to Languages: Generalising Method Names. Michael Homer, Timothy Jones, James Noble. Dynamic Language Symposium (DLS), 2015. https://doi.org/10.1145/2816707.2816708