For no-effort debugging questions (VTC as "needs more focus" or "needs debugging details" as appropriate):
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read [ask]. We do not find the bug for you here; we require a **specific question**. If there is something wrong with existing code, this question will come out of your best attempt to [understand]( and [locate]( a specific problem, and showcase it in a [mre]. It [is not possible to "help you"]( as this is **not a discussion forum**.
Boilerplate comment warning for questions and answers that make inappropriate use of eval
and/or exec
in Python:
**[Do not ever use `eval` (or `exec`) on data that could possibly come from outside the program in any form. It is a critical security risk. You allow the author of the data to run arbitrary code on your computer]( It [cannot easily be sandboxed, and proper sandboxing is harder than using a proper tool for the job.](**
SEDE query to help Mjollnir-wielders re-link duplicates directly to a canonical: