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Questions tagged [object-oriented]

For questions about object-oriented concepts including encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance, or for questions about object-oriented languages that are built around these concepts.

5 questions from the last 365 days
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Can WillThrow as a Bottom Type of a Full-Lattice Type Theory take the thrown Exception Type as Covariant Type Argument?

Context: Let us assume a full-lattice type theory with at least types any, bool, Exception, <...
feldentm's user avatar
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Are there languages having multiple level fine control over deep and shallow copy?

A reference or level-0 copy is the same object as the original, only accessed differently. A level-1 shallow copy is a new object, with every member a reference to the member under the same name in ...
user23013's user avatar
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Can final and full lattice type theory be combined?

Let us assume a language that has final with Java semantics, i.e. a final type cannot have subtypes. Further, let that language have a full lattice type theory with at least one bottom type, e.g. ...
feldentm's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is it meaningful to disallow member variables in interfaces?

In an object oriented language with single inheritance, there is often the concept "interface", separate from classes, as a replacement of what would otherwise require multiple inheritance. ...
user23013's user avatar
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How to design interfaces to mimic haskell-like type classes in an object oriented language?

A problem I sometimes run into when using a language like TypeScript or C# is how they lack a perfect analogue to Haskell's typeclasses. Let's use Haskell's Functor ...
Kilian Kilmister's user avatar