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Questions tagged [functional-programming]

For questions regarding functional programing concepts like immutability, closures, pure functions, and monads or regarding functional languages which enforce some or all of these constraints.

6 questions from the last 365 days
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6 votes
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What challenges might still prevent compiler or JIT optimizations of common FP operations like map, filter, and reduce?

(While I'm referring to JS in my example, I don't intend to be constrained to JS: so any comments/answers concerning FP-style APIs for working with collections for any language are welcome and ...
Dai's user avatar
  • 161
3 votes
2 answers

Does a Rust implementation of the Monkey programming language require a garbage collector?

Awhile back I wrote a Rust implementation of the Monkey programming language by Thorsten Ball ( When I got done with it I was a bit surprised that I never used an Arc/Rc ...
lamont's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can total (primitive) corecursion be implemented?

I'm trying to understand how to implement corecursion in a total functional context. I've already implemented recursion using standard techniques (for loops) but I ...
Corbin's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

When do functional programming languages need advanced garbage collection?

While thinking about garbage collection, I realized a simple fact that a garbage collector that is more than reference counting is needed because there are circular references, but there are ...
user23013's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is the mathematical abstraction of bitflags for use in a purely functional language?

A lot of C APIs like to have something called bit flags to signal the functions configuration options like Vulkan, OpenCL, SQLite and much more, it a typical pattern to it. This common pattern of ...
Delfin's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

Is there a generic way to refer to the current function in recursion?

In writing recursive functions (functional style), I often need to refer to the current function (depending on the context). e.g. f 0 = 0 f (S n) = f n + 2 Are ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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