I find it can be quite fiendish to explain this aspect of SQL convincingly, because of the sheer depth of an explanation which fully justifies the design and rebuts superficial objections. I don't know whether I have the capability to deliver that explanation.
Relational Algebra
The first thing to mention is EF Codd's Relational Algebra. Although SQL and RA are not completely synonymous, RA was the main theoretical foundation for the design of the SQL language.
Some of the main conceptual features of RA is the "relation" (what in SQL is simply called a "table"), the "relational operators" (including the "joins"), the "Null" value, and a system of so-called 3-valued logic (including a certain approach to handling the Null value).
I'll use "3VL" as a shorthand for referring to the system of both the Null value itself and the handling of it by operators.
It's a bit of a misnomer here in the sense that Null is a value which is available in the domain of all SQL data types, including those which have many more than 3 possible values. It is not simply limited to supplementing the Boolean/logical/bit type with a third value. But there's no better and more commonly understood term than "3VL".
There are also many more confusing details, though not necessary to examine for this answer.
The way the join operators work in RA and SQL depends inextricably on 3VL.
Firstly, each join operation can produce Null values to represent the case where certain rows in input tables were not joined.
Secondly, each join operator can have Null values in its inputs. This may be either because these Nulls exist in static data, or because a previous join operation (in a query consisting of more than one join) has produced Nulls at an earlier stage.
The only sensible behaviour of the join operators, is that Nulls do not join to one another. Therefore, at least in the context of the join control expressions, Null compared to Null must be false.
Justification of how joins work
This might not seem very intuitive or obviously correct at first glance.
But there are two main justifications.
The first is that join operators with this exact behaviour have important algebraic properties (hence the name of the theoretical framework, "Relational Algebra"), and these algebraic properties are crucial for optimisation and performance when dealing with "large shared data banks" (as EF Codd described what we now describe as "databases" serving typical "OLTP loads"). Alterations to the behaviour of the join operators potentially destroy their algebraic properties, and with it the crucial optimising capability.
The meaning of Null
The second justification relies on explaining what Null means, and how it is used in practice.
To many programmers who are new to SQL but familiar with other languages, the word "Null" is what linguists call a "false friend". There is no analogy in any mainstream programming language, for how Null works in SQL.
Typically in other languages, Null is associated with the "null pointer", which is invariably the zero-valued pointer on any hardware architecture I'm familiar with. Not so in SQL, which has no concept of memory pointers in its syntax, and where Null definitely does not mean zero.
The Null value in SQL broadly represents the same thing as a "blank space on a paper form". That is, it's meaning is very ambiguous and inconsistent, but it broadly means either "missing" or "inapplicable".
"Missing" broadly means that a certain value should be recorded or relates to a fact that is capable of being recorded, but for whatever reason isn't recorded.
"Inapplicable" broadly means that a certain field is somehow not applicable to a particular case. For example, a vet might typically record a dog's "owner name and address", but if the dog is a stray born in the wild and has no owner, then the owner name and address is inapplicable to the vet's record about that dog.
Very often, it may not be clear whether data is missing or inapplicable - for example, at the time of veterinary treatment, it may not be possible to distinguish between a dog which has an unknown owner, and an unowned dog. On a paper form, blank would be left for either case.
But there is one consistent thing about "paper-blank", which is that a blank on one paper form doesn't mean an association with blanks on other paper forms. If you have a series of forms with names missing from many of them, this doesn't mean all the ones with blank names belong to the same person (who has no name). They almost certainly belong to different people, all of whose names happen not to be recorded on the forms.
If you understand that analogy, you understand why Null doesn't join to Null in SQL. Because blanks don't connect to blanks when dealing with paper records.
Records and keys
There is an underlying conceptualisation here which is about "records" and "keys" - the concept of which predates SQL, RA, and is a common practice when dealing with paper records.
What you commonly have with business records are linkages between different records based on "keys" - for example, a customer account number is a "key". When a customer places an order, you record the details of the order on the form, and you also record a "key" on the same form which is the customer account number. Detailed information about the customer account, and which defines the "key" for that particular account, will be recorded separately from information about each order.
The use of the key on the order forms means that all orders can be linked via the account number. This linkage allows a business to do certain things which depend on organising or analysing all the orders of a particular account together, like controlling the total amount of credit extended to a particular customer.
Now, if there are order forms with no customer account number recorded, these do not link to a single customer account whose key is "blank". Rather, the blank means those forms are unassociated with any customer account - that the customer account is missing or inapplicable.
So that's what practice the join operators in SQL are reflecting. I hope at this stage I've explained why Nulls shouldn't join to Nulls, and by implication, why Null doesn't compare equal to Null.
Why the equals operator is defined as it is
Because SQL was designed primarily around it's relational algebra capability and the concept of joining tables, as well as the 3VL concept, the designers have prioritised terseness when using that functionality, and comparisons involving Nulls (such as equality using =
, but also including the other standard comparison operators) are never true.
Instead, when Nulls must be specifically compared, the special IS NULL
operator is used.
It is still possible to perform all kinds of comparisons in SQL. It is simply more long-winded to write comparison expressions which treat Nulls as equal, such as having to write (x = y) OR (x IS NULL AND y IS NULL)
A final word of warning
You might find explanations in this area which attempt to describe Null as "the absence of a value".
In my view, that does not describe the reality. Null is very much an explicit value, because computers only work with values (or symbols) and cannot encode or process pure non-values, but it is a value which is frequently (not always) used to represent the fact that there was an absence of recordable information available when the computer record was made.
You might also see explanations of how Null comparison is handled, which involve saying that you can't tell whether two Nulls are different or not.
In many cases, this begs the question of whether Null is in fact being used to represent missing/unknown information. If Null is used in a capacity of being a marker of inapplicability, or as a default value, then there is no natural reason why these markers should not be considered equal.
But it's also a red herring. The main explanation for the behaviour of Null is how it integrates with the behaviour of the join operators, and how those join operators model the linkages between records, where the presence of Null should almost always mean "do not join" (without necessarily implying missing information).
NaN == NaN
is false, not NaN. $\endgroup$